Friday, October 12, 2007

Budclicks are taking off!!!

So today was the first trade show for budclicks....I was told it went great. People are buying them as fast as we can make them. So exciting. I got my sample packet today and am going to one of my favorite stores tomorrow to show the owner. We'll see. Isn't it amazing how some people are just sooo creative? I wish I could come up with these kinds of ideas. Would be a gazillionare by now!! Oh well, I'll just have to ride on the backs of my creative friends!

For the last 2 days I have had such a bad headache so pray for me! Mike has been out of town and the boys have had to fend for themselves as I have been in bed with ice packs on my head. what a drag. Some girls from church prayed for me last night and that took some of the edge off, but I still need more prayer.

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